We for you!

We scan the entire public internet, create real-time threat intelligence streams,
and reports that show the exposure of what is connected to the Internet.
What is your Internet Attack Surface?

Intelligent Security

Be Ready.
Be Safe.
Be Secure.

Organisations currently own a large number of internet exposed assets, some of them they are not even aware exist.

Everyday, more and more companies expose their servers and services to the internet, increasing the attack surface that can be targeted by hackers.

Today's rapidly expanding universe of sensors, cloud, remote access, and IoT devices has created high levels of complexity that are impossible to secure without constant monitoring, both from within and outside the organizations networks

Our Data

We have built a distributed platform of scanners and honeypots, to acquire, classify and correlate different types of data.

We use all of these datapoints to match those digital assets to an organization, allowing us to provide a global, up-to-date, view of organizations known and unknown assets.

Read More about our Data and Features

Every Month




Ports scanned



Torrents monitored


API and Web Access
Our Portal Service allows you to query the data gathered in a easy and convenient way.

Get in Touch

Want access to our Realtime DataStreams, On-Demand Custom Scanning, or High Volume requests?
